
Monday, December 25, 2006

Some Ways to Get Your Artworks Seen

Some ways to market your artwork

A website has become an essential promotional tool for an Artist: it allows anyone from anywhere in the world to see your work quickly, easily and freely. templates have been designed with Artists in mind: making sure your artwork is the most important thing people will not only see, but also remember when they visit your site.

It’s important to add content i.e. images (with text information) and text in order for your website to be indexed in search engines. Also, people that are viewing your artwork want to know a bit about you. Include your e-mail address.

Image is everything! The focus is the artwork. Your images should be clear and cropped. Muddy or unclear images create a prejudice against your work. Edit (crop) your images. Images that art not cropped also take away from the quality of your artwork. Take a good look at your images before you upload them to your site. Presentation makes a difference.

Some tips:

Showcase your work beautifully and professionally

Tell the viewer about you. Be concise and to the point. Use spell check.

Provide contact information

Price every piece of art that you have for sale

Keep Your Website Current

Promote yourself and your artwork:

Tell people about your website.

Add your website to It’s free.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Do you want more exposure of your artwork? It's about ART

Join by Dec.31 2006 and try it out for 3 months FREE.

A website has become an essential promotional tool for an Artist: it allows anyone from anywhere in the world to see your work quickly, easily and freely.

ArtScene360 is a professionally designed, easy-to-use and inexpensive art showcase portal for both artists and gallery owners.

ArtScene360 provides an "as easy as 1,2,3" template that enables you to get a website up and running in minutes by simply filling in a few forms and uploading images of your art.Become a part of the artscene.

TIP: Crop your photos.The first operation on your photo that you should do it to crop: removing the space around your artwork in the photo. Most programs included with your digital camera will have a crop tool which allows you to draw a box around what you want to keep. Make your crop tight but be sure not to crop out any of your artwork.Google offers a free photo editing program.